Saturday, April 17, 2010


So another one, short and sweet. Not to much to report this week, but in trying to keep up with a weekly blog I feel I must at least type something.

My Japanese friend and I started the week off by practicing our English and Japanese, respectively. It amazed me how much I actually retained from a wasted year of Japanese as a freshman at college, so it was actually pretty fun. I still got the Hiragana down.

This was a terrific week for me, despite having to stay up til 2AM grading 104 math papers (my fault of course for waiting til the last minute) and having 7AM class the next morning. I finally got my 8GB USB key that I have been fighting for months to get. It's not my key, we used the money made by the computer lab (each student must pay 600franc CFA to use) to buy the key. With it I can now begin installing larger programs onto the now 11 computers that we employ and I can leave it after I have left Tenkodogo for the administration to use. Plus, the school is on page with my plans for next year with the formation of a new, and RESPONSIBLE, student committee to take charge next year of the computer lab.

The main reason for this little blog update is that I changed my Skype name. I could not remember my old account and password and obtaining the info proved to be futile since my old acount was registered under a now defunct email address.

So bad news is you all must locate my new account at dylanhbutler, good news is I have Skype!

1 comment:

  1. skype name noted. keep your fingers crossed for saturday!
