In living in West Africa, I realize that while I have posted photos and stories about specific events that happen to me, I have not posted any photos about the other 90% of my time here when I'm just living. Much of the time is spent in the way that most people spend their time, buying groceries, eating lunch, staying in shape through some sort of physical activity, etc. So without further ado, here are a few photos highlighting the things that I consider now, after almost two years, everyday normal life. Enjoy!

A typical market stand, selling all the pasta, couscous, rice, and MSG anyone could ever want.

Some ladies selling veggies. Depending on the season these stands can be full with all sorts of delicious treats, or have nothing at all but leaves.

A view of the market from afar.

A photo with the guy who cuts my hair (well buzzes my hair).

Two of the guys who cook up delicious goat meat. I could not resist holding the machete.

Look at all that delicious goat meat. Dinner is served.

The grand mosque of Tenkodogo. Located right next to the market.

The central star of my school. In the background there is a flagpole where every evening there is a ceremony to take the flag down. On the left is the cafeteria and in the way back is the teacher's lounge. Classrooms are to the right and behind where I took the photo.

It's either basketball or futsal for me every evening. I play with a mix of students and other guys who come out to play. Seen here is me being schooled by a student doing a fade-away. He in particular has unbelievable talent and, with proper coaching, could be a force on any high school basketball team.
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