I realize that in the development of this blog I have left the general "what am I doing" posts to more specific anecdotes detailing stories that have happened to me since I joined Peace Corps, but I must once again return to the less interesting "what am I doing" considering that at this moment what I am doing is rather important.
I am in the middle of COSing, which in non Peace Corps speak means the administrative process taken before officially being a Returned Peace Corps Volunteer (RPCV). After tomorrow, July 1st 2011, I will no longer be a Volunteer but an alumni, a RPCV of Burkina Faso. It's a proud title that approximately 200,000 other Americans have acheived. With it (I hope) comes the newfound knowledge that I have gained after living in West Africa for two short years.
I have said my goodbyes to Tenkodogo, and am now in the process of doing the same with Peace Corps and other volunteers. It has been a wonderful service, a bittersweet moment, but alas more adventures await in the near and far future that I cannot wait to tackle. Where one door closes, others open.
I will write a far longer reflection blog when I return to the United States, but I just wanted to write a little to let everyone know that it's been fun writing for you and I hope you have enjoyed what you have read. Thanks to everyone who has supported me in the last two years; together it has been a wild ride.
This next week I will be flying to Kenya to see my father for what we hope to be an amazing safari experience. I will then fly home to see my mother and sister where I will most certainly beat my mother in a game of tennis before flying off to Belize to see my girlfriend for two weeks. I will more formally be home in the month of August with some family gatherings covering the month. Then comes September, where I will have to figure out my next steps.
But for now, I am in a good place in my life. I am proud of what I have accomplished, I have no regrets, and I am ready for the future!
Thank you everyone,
Bike Tour East!
10 years ago
Congrats! I'm so proud of you for completing your service even with the many challenges throughout the past 2 years! See you in a couple days!