Wednesday, May 11, 2011

My What a Year it Has Been

365 days ago I was 24. That means that 365 days later from 365 days ago is today, and that 24+1 = 25, or better termed the “quarter-century mark.” Dylan Butler is 25 this May 5th, 2011! Rather scary actually that I have gotten to be this age really, the future of America rests in the souls of folks like me. Good luck USA!

Enough with the sarcasm and comedy, this birthday marks a point in my life of deep reflection. So without further ado, it’s time to highlight the defining moments of what has been perhaps the most interesting year of my life so far.

While this technically does not count for this year since our one year anniversary was is in March, it is still very worth mentioning that this last year saw Dylan change his perennial Facebook relationship status from single to in a relationship. It’s certainly been an exciting and difficult year but the most solid thing throughout was a blossoming relationship with Ms. Kirstin Krudwig that continues to this day and onwards into the country of Belize.

Don’t worry parents, you still get recognized as well. Without the love, support, and strength of my parents I certainly would never be where I am today. While it is very difficult to think of the near tragedy that happened last August, it is a testament to the strength of my family that my mother was able to spend her birthday in absolute amazing health. For my family to have gone through such a difficult event and to come out even better is something to be thankful for and astounded by. And, while not yet arrived, my sister Hannah will be celebrating her 21st birthday this August, another milestone soon to be achieved. I would also like to thank my Uncle Mark Schoofs and my Aunt Judy Bello for being so instrumental in ensuring that we could all celebrate the 4th and the 5th in happiness this year.

My cousin Jackie just celebrated her quarter century and just received her Master’s of Education from Johns Hopkins, and while not the winner this year (hey we need to share achievements with others right?) Mark Schoofs was a finalist for a second Pullitzer Prize. It’s clear that I won’t win that award because I’m not even sure I spelled it right, but I am proud of the improvements and new-found love in my writing that this last year has granted me.

It is very important to note, that above all, I have spent the last year of my life in the peaceful country of Burkina Faso. Well, for most of the last year, peaceful. Burkina Faso has demonstrated an amazing test of wills in surviving through the near crisis that plagued its peoples for almost 3 months. Some of you are informed on the situation, and others not (it’s cool, don’t feel bad), but the last few months proved to be a very difficult time for the nationals of this small but great country and I owe much to my dear friends who assisted me along the way, through the good and bad.

In between my 24th and my 25th, the world has undergone quite a few changes. Most notably the revolutions across the Middle East and the geographical shift of the island-nation of Japan caused by one of the most tragic earthquakes in recorded history. I have news from my dear JICA friends, in particular Yoshie and Kaego are doing very well considering. Most recently the world has witnessed the death of the world’s most infamous man and #1 terrorist, Osama Bin Laden. The world has also seen the first Royal Wedding in years (which I don’t particularly care about), and the 4 game sweep of the Washington Capitals by the Tampa Bay Lightning (which I will cry about tomorrow, not today!).

In two months I will be home, where I plan on spending my 26th birthday. Two birthdays across the sea in a land called Burkina Faso has put my life in great perspective, and I will never forget what has come to pass as a result of my experiences here.

Last but not least, R.I.P. Bob. You were a good little puppy.

*I want to apologize for the lack of photos. Ever since my ASUS netbook broke (they suck by the way and could use better customer service) I have been unable to shrink photos with Picasa photo-editor to make uploading photos a breeze.

1 comment:

  1. Its been a crazy year but we've all learned and grown so much. All the struggles make us appreciate the good times that much more. Can't wait to celebrate 26 with you in the good ole US of A!
