I started my boys camp last week and so far I personally feel that it has been a big success. We started the first session with a lesson on what the roles of men are, continuing the next day with the roles of woemn. My goal was not to press my cultural views onto them (though I may have done it once or twice) but rather get them to think about what is the difference between sex and gender. I defined sex for them as the difference between men and women naturally, and gender as what society and culture makes them to be. For example, I asked when I asked them about roles, it was generally agreed upon that men make the money and women take care of the house. When I later asked them if the roles could be switched, they all agreed yes, of course, why not. It got them thinking about why things are as they are, which is what I wanted.
The third day my PCV neighbor Kirstin did a condom demonstration and a discussion about HIV/AIDS. The 4th day we discussed diets and nutrition and how to eat well with what we have here in Burkina Faso. After the hour talks we play a few games and then I lead them outside to play soccer for an hour and a half (which they love). So I feel mission accomplished, I used soccer as a way to draw 9-10 boys into discussions about health and society. Photos to come next time!
Next week we are changing the mode to education. The first day we will be discussing how and what to study, second day will be computers and why they are important, third day is undecided, and the fourth day we will do a review of everything that we learned. For the second half we will be doing basketball assuming I can find a ball.
And that is when the Americans come!!! Chris, my neighbor and great friend from DC, will be flying in Thursday night for a month long visit, later shared with my parents for three and a half weeks. We will be touring all of Burkina, as well as making a trip to Dogon Country in Mali. I am very excited!!!

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