Thursday, December 2, 2010

Two Months in to School Year Number 2--

And I am already ready for the break.

But never fear, students in Burkina go on strike soon which gives me virtually the entire month of December free of responsibility. But before I say how I will be using this time (oh yes it is exciting) I would like to highlight a few interesting developments.

I have gained a new neighbor in Tenkodogo, a second Peace Corps volunteer has moved in. We in Peace Corps call them site-mates. To not go into too many details, we are developing a good friendship at the same time being sure to respect eachothers experience and distance. It is important that I do not spend my time with Americans as that is not my purpose here, and my sitemate feels the same way.

Girls basketball season has started. I have started a girls basketball club here every Sunday. It is simply an open club where girls can come and play without fear of being kicked off the court by boys. First meeting we had 7, last meeting 11, and I am positive that numbers will grow. I think the girls enjoy having the chance to play a sport generally reserved for boys. We may open it up to other sports as well, perhaps changing week by week.

Lastly, my good friend here has organized an English Club at his school, which is different than mine. The topics, chosen by the students, are very interesting and include female excision (a practice being phased out here in Burkina), the dangers of smoking, nutrition, and climate change. We meet once a week for 2 hours.

And now to the juicy part. I stated earlier that I have exciting news about how I will be spending the break. Well, here it is: on December 22nd I board a flight home to Washington DC to spend the holidays with my family before returning to Burkina to finish my service.
