So I am finished. Yeah that's right, school is done, grades are finished, computer lab is closed for the time being, and I am peacing out. Not that it's a bad thing, I've been working really hard lately and I'm ready for a break. Not having much to do for awhile could be nice, until after a couple months when I go insane with having nothing to do...again.
To celebrate the end of the year, I am going to Ghana next week with two friends to do some hiking and relaxing beach side. I'll be gone from the 19th to the 31st, so don't expect to hear much from me in the coming weeks until June. And to lay out future plans, World Cup starts in a month, Chris comes here the 24th of June, parents come the 12th, and then after all is said and done I have nothing to do until October, WHEEEEEEEEE. I love vacation.
So as most people know (thanks Facebook), last Wednesday was my birthday. I spent my birthday drinking wine and hanging with my best Burkina friend, but the real celebration was Saturday when 2 Peace Corps buddies came to town and we celebrated my birthday and the arrival of a new Japanese Volunteer in Tenkodogo! We drank margaritas (my first since my 23rd birthday), ate tacos, and sushi. I even dipped sushi in cheese--because it was there and I could! Sushi and cheese is blashphemous I know but screw you, I got to take advantage of things when I get them.
So that's that, I'm 24 now. Not a whole lot has changed.
Bike Tour East!
10 years ago